The 1st Trial, Just 2 modules, but being redesigned later.
The mess during the process

Project 2: One Function Space

In this assignment, Space is being emphasized, many of us need to define space to ourselves, what do we really want to see how human activities play around with space, what perspective will we generate in such space as well as our impression towards it.

However, in this assignment i took the chance to create something which i have long thought. I call it the IPCF (Integrated Public Common Facilities.The problem statement is such that, in KL ( i am from KL), We see many public facilities segregated around, structures like public toilet, recycling centers, mini markets, bus stops and so many else. This causes a lot of problems such as Maintenance fees, Lack of Attraction, and as well as Miss management! So if we could integrate all these 4 components into one structure, this certainly will attract more people to come to utilize the function of it!

So  Space? How to Save?

In this design i thought of space, So i use as many concepts in any modules about Sliding. Sliding Doors, Sliding overhead sunshades. One highlight point is the recycling center on the first floor. There is an advertisement board in front of it, and it's ability to slide upward is such because there is an output hole there for the recycling materials. This could ease the job as items can just throw down into the Transportation types instead of wasting manpower carrying. Another point is that in the mini market i introduce the concept of sliding storage components. This is widely seen in Corporates Office today but i haven't seen such in any stalls with limited Space. Spiral staircase is also used then to save space.

Then why modules?

Mr Wan B certainly has given to me a good cause of restriction. He stated that each module suppose to have the ability to mix and match around and idea should be started by designing a single module first instead of looking the big picture suddenly. Only when we design one module at a time we could realize how everything is interconnected from one to another. I was shuffling the 4 modules around and realize that the above diagrams arrangement is the best then. He was also stating the functional design. Since  my design has recycling center, small stall, and public toilet, i have to think the scenarios on how to manage it. Such as why Public Toilet are often elevated because they have pipes stored under them! 

Module 1 1st Story, RECLYCING CENTRE
Module 2 1st Story, PUBLIC TOILET
Module 3 G Floor, BUS STOP
Module 4 G Floor, Sales Stand